Thursday, December 9, 2010

Savior of the Nations Come

In the hymn, Savior of the Nations Come, Martin Luther's theme is through Jesus' birth, death, and resurrection he defeated the devil and sin, through this victory we receive eternal salvation. Martin Luther reveals this theme through description in every verse to describe Christ's life. 'Not by human flesh and blood,' was Jesus born, but 'by the Spirit of our God' Jesus was made flesh. Jesus became flesh to triumph over sin for our sake, and even though 'all the world disowned' him, he still saved us from sin. Through this triumph, we shall see God's kingdom and 'its glories.' Luther also includes pathos with his description. He uses words such as ‘glorious’ and ‘wondrous’. The singer can rejoice about Jesus' birth, 'Wondrous birth! O wondrous Child of the Virgin undefiled!' This miraculous and wondrous birth Luther describes gives the singer joy. The hymn has the joyous tune in which the singer can exclaim their happiness of Jesus' birth. His birth gave us hope for salvation. Jesus was hated throughout his life, but he still prevailed. Through his life, death, and resurrection we receive eternal salvation. Martin Luther describes this theme with great emotion in Savior of the Nations Come.

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