Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Law Banning Items From Rearview Mirrors?

Matt Helms' Article
Basically the law was that no items can hang from the rearview mirror.  However, the police were not enforcing it very well. Some drivers did not even know this was a law. Now the thought is to allow smaller items to hang.

"Richard Pentecost Sr. of Detroit said he has driven for 30 years with a rosary hanging from his rearview mirror and has never been stopped or ticketed for it -- even when police pulled him over for other infractions." --- This is my favorite quote from the article because it shows how ridiculous this law is that people are not getting tickets for hanging things and the police do not even enforce it. So why is it even there?

I disagree with this ban, but not completely. A rosary or a graduation tassle is not going to obstruct somone's view of the road. Drivers should be allowed to hang things, but because no driver is going to hang something so huge that it would obstruct their vision, this law should not be in affect.

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